Animal Welfare Act
Introduced in 2006 this act places a duty of care on people to ensure they take reasonable steps to meet the welfare needs of their pets.
In short it means they must take positive steps to ensure they care for their animals properly and in particular must provide for the five welfare needs, which are:
1. The need for a suitable environment
Animals should have the right type of home. Including shelter, space/opportunities to exercise and somewhere comfortable to rest and hide.
2. A proper diet including fresh water
Animals should have access to fresh, clean water all the time and should be given the right type and amount of food to keep them fit and healthy.
3. The ability to express normal behavior
Animals should have enough space and an appropriate
facility to allow them to behave normally.
Any need to be housed with, or apart from, other animals
Animals should be given the appropriate company. Some animals should have the company of other animals of their own kind, and some should be kept on their own.Protection from, and treatment of, illness and injury
Animals should be protected from pain, suffering, injury, and disease and should be treated by a vet if they are sick or injured.
Why have your dog groomed?
Having your pet regularly groomed ensures they stay fit, healthy and happy. This can help to extend their lifespan and make their life more fulfilled and enjoyable. Even a simple bath and brush will make them more comfortable.
The Benefits of dog grooming:
The removal of dirt and parasites
Keeping your dog's coat matt free
Promotion of a healthy coat growth by
removing excess dead undercoat
Increase blood flow to the hair follicles
leading to improved health of the skin
Regular checking of your dog for cuts and
Keeping your dog's eyes, ears, nose, mouth and
gums clean and healthy. Trimming nails and
dew claws
Identifying potential health problems that an
owner may miss, for example parasites